Have A Merry Satin X-mas & A Shiny New Year


The year is almost over - and I’ve tried to keep it shining to the max. Lots of new fabrics, garments, patterns & designs - and lots of new content created to keep all you satin fans happy and pleased 😎

I hope 2023 will be a sexy, shiny and fun year for you. I know things are tricky at the moment in the world and that we seem destined for much change and some hardship - but when things are difficult, focus instead on what’s nice, smooth, slippery, shiny and soft. Put on your satin gear, lower your shoulders, look and feel yourself in your sexy gear, slide under the satin sheets in the knowledge that even if the world kills your buzz satin will always revive it.

Satin - it does a body good. It’s not a fabric - it’s a lifestyle.

Stay safe, sexy & shiny in 2023 🔥❤️